Monday 24 May 2010

On Insecurities, etc.

It's strange the way certain things happen to you that make you remember the past. For instance, today I remembered how insecure I used to be, and apparently still am - although not to the same degree. I think it's a girl thing, not to be happy about the way you look or to feel inferior to pretty much every other person you know. There is so much pressure to look *just* right. If you don't fit the requirement, sorry, you're out.

But I was thinking about it in the light of Scripture... We are each one fearfully and wonderfully made... Why do we let others affect the view we have of ourselves, when we are made righteous in Christ, and have eternal security through Him with God?

It's true that man looketh on the outward appearance, but God looketh on the heart.

As discouraged as we might get about other people judging us by our looks, as worried as we might feel that others might not accept us, we ought to remember that God cares about our hearts, and whether we are upright before Him - it doesn't matter whether we fit the "perfect" category in looks, we need to fit the "perfect" category in heart, mind and soul. We can only do that through Christ, and the help of the Holy Spirit.

My desire is to live a life that is glorifying to God and honouring to Christ, no matter what others think. I know that in my head and my heart, but I now need to pray about not caring so much about what other people think...

"The fear of man bringeth a snare: but whoso putteth his trust in the LORD shall be safe." Proverbs 29v25.

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